Missing points in BDO table for Las Vegas shooters and the ruling with Lakeside

Updated: March 19, 2013
This is directly from the BDO:
Any player that played in the Las Vegas Open but also plays in the PDC North American championship tour cannot get points in the BDO invitational table.  The reason for this is that they are playing for points to get into the PDC World Championship and no player can be in both.  There is a quote on the Bullseye News saying that players have to play 2 to one events but this is untrue what was told to the person was that the WDF rules states any player playing in the World/Europe Cup must have played 66% of their games on the WDF circuit but it is not a BDO rule and Wayne has been mis-quoted.  If you go onto the BDO website www.bdodarts.com and click on Rules a drop down menu appears click on section J Mens International Tables where you will see a full set of rules listed.

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