2021 ADO World Masters Nationals Qualifiers

Updated: March 31, 2021

Further to the initial post at the weekend, here is the list of players who are qualified for the World Masters in Charlotte from National Qualifiers in 2020.

Laurie Grover Colt Belmonte Tony John
Carrie Keays Hank Borkowski Tim Lozos
Gemma Kotara Gary Brooks Shane Meeks
Carolyn Mars Kevin Delgado Elliot Milk
Corrine Miller Morgan Dotson Ryan Mooneyham
Michele Olson David Flowers Jeff Olson
Stacey Pace Jon Foreman Tom Sawyer
Sharon Peterson Stephin Foreman Steven Taylor
  Chris Franklin Kyle Thrasher
  Ed Garcia Jules van Dongen

All players will be contacted shortly by ADO Director of Operations, Steve Brown.

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