ADO Area Manager Elections in Areas 1, 3, 5

Updated: September 16, 2013

The Call for Candidates for ADO Area Manager in Areas 1, 3, and 5 will be mailed out on October 1, 2013.  According to the ADO Bylaws, Article XI, Section 6: Candidates for the position of Area Manager shall be limited to domiciled incumbent/past Executive Officers, Area Managers, Regional  Directors, and local Association Representatives, or National Youth Managers with at least one (1) year experience, except as provided in Article VII, Section 7 and Article XIV, Section 5.

All candidates must be members of ADO in good standing.  Anyone  interested in running should contact General Secretary Carolyn Camp by email ( or by phone (415-488-9008).  Please note that all Call for Candidate forms must be returned on or before October 17, 2013 to General Secretary Carolyn Camp – P. O. Box 396 – Lagunitas, CA 94938 or emailed by that date to   

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