CT1 WDF Lakeside World Championship – Day Six

Updated: December 7, 2023

Sad to say, two of the three American men still going departed Lakeside today. In an All-American clash, we knew that either Leonard Gates or Danny Lauby would be going home, but Jim Widmayer also dipped out at the hands of Jonny Tata.

Widmayer looked good for the opening leg until the New Zealander stuck in a well-timed 180, but still had a shot at 36. Unfortunately, three darts weren’t enough, and Tata took the W. A tidy check from 67 levelled the score, but Tata won the next two for the set.

The first leg of the second set went Tata’s way also, but Jimmy’s sweet finish from 92 made it 1-1. The next two legs were shared, with the former Seacoast Open Champion taking out 86. As with the first four legs of the set, the fifth went with the throw – and Widmayer was two down.

A brace of 180’s set Tata up nicely for the first leg of the third, but missed doubles let Widmayer back. He had a shot at 114, but the D19 dropped low, and that was to be the only dart he had. He didn’t get a shot at the remaining 40 next leg, and things looked grim for Jim. However, he wasn’t finished yet, and fought back to take the set to a decider. He had the throw, but it wasn’t to be, and Jonny Tata was in the Quarter-Finals.

On to the “Clash of the Titans” – or so we had hoped… It would be fair to say that it didn’t quite live up to our expectations, which were based on their previous matches here. Not that it was poor – far from it in fact – but we have seen better finishing, particularly from ‘Soulger’.

A second turn 180 seemed to signal Gates’ intent, even if it did take nine darts to clean up 78. It looked good for 2-0 with opening scores of 140, 100, 177, but this time six from 84 weren’t sufficient, and Lauby made it 1-1. The Texan then produced misses from 82 and 51, and the #6 seed gratefully accepted the chance to win the set.

Both players missed outs next leg, and again, it was Lauby who found the winning shot. ‘Soulger’ then wired a 108 check – and didn’t get an other shot. Third leg, Gates was left stranded after just twelve darts as his opponent finished 248 in five darts (180, 68).

Leonard returned from the break seemingly refreshed, and checked out in style from 95 for a 15-darter. Had the game changed course? Well, aided by his third 180, Lauby posted a 15 of his own. Both maxed in the third leg, but a beautiful 124 finish sealed an even better 12 from the man from Indiana. After edging in front next leg, Gates slacked off, missed two more darts at 40, and Danny Lauby was in the next round.

While ‘Soulger’ finished with a much lower average than usual, you have to look at the fact that he missed a boatload of doubles, which is very unusual for him. Danny wasn’t at his best, but showed his class in the third set, and more importantly – advanced to the Quarter-Final. The sign of a quality player is being able to win when you’re not at your best…

The day also brought wins for Swede Dennis Nilsson, who is gradually improving as the week goes one, Lisa Ashton, and last year’s women’s runner-up, Kirsty Hutchinson.

Tomorrow (Friday) sees Florida’s Paula Murphy up against the mighty Beau Greaves, while Danny Lauby takes on 2006 World Champ Jelle Klaasen. You can watch on the WDF’s YouTube channel.

Full details from DartConnect

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