Professional Darts Corporation
Vote For Your Magic Matchplay Moment
Ever since America’s Larry Butler won the inaugural World Matchplay in 1994, the Winter Gardens in Blackpool has held a special place in the hearts of darts players and fans. The...
bwin World Cup of Darts – USA wins in Round 1
USA v Hungary Darin Young & Larry Butler v Zsolt Meszaros & Nandor Bezzeg 1-0 – Young finishes double 12 to win the opening leg for America. 2-0 – Young lands...
American’s Darin Young and Larry Butler head to Germany for the bwin World Cup of Darts
32 Nations will be represented at the 4th WORLD CUP OF DARTS to be held in Hamburg Germany with the first round action starting at 8AM EST on Friday June 6th...